Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Red Hat Castle Screenshots and Video Playthrough!

Mahatma Gaming proudly presents RED HAT CASTLE, adventure's finest adventure!! Featuring:





Cry tears of pure joy as you experience unprecedented degrees of thrilling entertainment!  Brace yourself!  This product contains:

  • Open exploration over, under, and through a big-a** castle!
  • Three difficulty levels for players from all walks of life!
  • More than one boss fight!
  • Telepathy communicated through signposts!
  • Literally tons of hidden optional secrets for the vigilant explorer!
  • Hour(s) of content!
  • 1 to 2 Players may play together!  Invite your imaginary friend!

But don't take my word for it - watch this spoilery playthrough if you need further convincing!

EDIT: This video showcases an outdated version!  New items, fixes, and aesthetics have been added since it was made!  All download links have been updated with the newest version, as of March 12, 2016.

You can download the map here:  http://mods.curse.com/maps/terraria/red-hat-castle

Saturday, September 5, 2015

"Red Hat Castle" Terraria Adventure Map

So I've been spending most of my free time during these past few weeks working on a custom adventure map for Re-Logic's Terraria.  It is a "Metroidvania"-style map, where you openly explore and are limited only by your abilities, of which you find many along the way.  It is a large castle with themed sections, surrounded by outdoor and underground sections as well.  It features 3 difficulty settings, chosen by the player at the start of the map.  The difficulty affects both platforming and the availability of items. 

If you don't own it already, then you will need to purchase Terraria to play my map.  Then, you just need to download my single map file and place it into your Terraria\worlds folder.  Then, boot up your game like you normally would, make a fresh character, and my map should be there!

You can download my map here:   http://mods.curse.com/maps/terraria/red-hat-castle

You must make a new character, you must follow any directions on any signs, and it is recommended not to start on the hardest difficulty until you're familiar with the adventure!

If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations, feel free to let me know!  Any feedback is greatly appreciated!  I will probably post pictures and/or a video playthrough soon.

Anyway, thanks again for checking out my work!